
Understanding Appliance Services

How To Replace The Control Board On A GE Refrigerator

If your GE refrigerator stops working and you hear a clicking sound coming from behind it, it means you have to replace the control board to get the refrigerator working again. The clicking sound is made by a faulty relay switch on the control board as it tries to activate the refrigerator. Replacing the relay switch is a difficult task, and it is much better to just replace the control board to fix the problem. Read More 

Two Signs That Your Furnace Is About To Go On The Fritz

Having a working furnace when it gets cold outside is one of life's great pleasures. The warm air blasting from your vents helps to insulate you and make you feel as cozy as a baby wrapped in a blanket. However, if your furnace breaks down, it may seem as though it occurred out of nowhere. Instead of being blindsided by a malfunction, use this information to learn more about the signs that your furnace is on its last legs. Read More 

Learn How To Find The Right Replacement Silverware Basket For Your Dishwasher

When your dishwasher goes on the fritz, you need to have it replaced quickly so that you do not have to wash your dishes by hand. A great way to get the most bang for your buck when you have to replace your dishwasher is to invest in a used appliance. When you purchase second-hand appliances, there are times when certain parts of the appliance may need to be replaced. One part to a dishwasher that many people forget to check to see if it needs to be replaced is the silverware basket. Read More 

Diagnosing The Normal Or Worrisome Sounds Of Your Water Heater

If you usually have the noise of your family, pets, or television on, you could often go years without ever noticing the noise that your water heater produces. Therefore, when you finally do notice it, you may think that the sounds you finally have the opportunity to hear may indicate that a problem is occurring. Therefore, it is a good idea to be aware of the following information when you are making a determination as to if you should call a repair expert or if it safe to instead find something more fun to do with your day. Read More 

4 Reasons Why Your Dishwasher Isn’t Cleaning Your Dishes

After dinner, you place your dishes in the dishwasher, walk away, and expect them to be clean when you return. Sometimes, this doesn't happen. Fortunately, there is often a simple reason why your dishes aren't being cleaned properly. Learn how to target the issue to help your dishwasher work more efficiently.   Machine Overloading Whether you're trying to save time or water, the goal is to fit as many dishes inside the dishwasher as you can. Read More 

About Me

Understanding Appliance Services

After we started going through and renovating our home, we realized that we needed to replace our appliances along with everything else. We started looking into new kitchen appliances, and we realized that we didn't know how to service a lot of the new complex gadgets if they broke. To make the process much easier, we started looking into appliance services. We were able to find an amazing business that offered appliance services, and we signed up for the service. It was great to simply call them whenever we needed help, and I knew that it would make a big difference for us long-term.